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James 5:16-20
Your primary purpose as a believers is to minister within God’s family.
Ephesians 4:11–16
Ministry of personal prayer + intercession
Ministry to the Father in our worship
Ministry to the body of Christ through tangible embodied acts.
2 Corinthians 5:11 -21
Ministry of Reconciliation is a ministry of tangible love, reconnecting people back to God.
Ministry of Reconciliation involves being a trustworthy witness.
(1) Live with integrity
(2) Practice within the family
(3) Know the Truth
(4) Share your story, inviting people to come along too
(5) Open Your Eyes & Heart.
As disciples of Jesus, we know our allegiance to Him as King is expressed in our daily practice. We are not pursuing perfection but want to practice our faith each day. These practices will point you toward spiritual formation as an apprentice (disciple) to Jesus.
(1) Start the Bible Recap reading plan.
(2) Recite this prayer/liturgy daily: “Jesus, you are my LORD and Savior. I submit my life to You today. Lead me. Guide me. Protect me. I choose to cling to hope. And when I face hardships, may I keep eagerly waiting for the promise of Your return. And when painful moments come, may I pursue Your presence and tender mercies. Amen.”
(3) Talk it Over (with friends, a spouse, or your Group)
The message was about becoming priests who minister Christ love within relationships. What is one idea from Sunday’s message that impacted you?
Read James 5:13-20. What does this passage reveal about God? What are some other things you observe in the text?
How does the concept of being called righteous influence your understanding of personal ministry?
Read Ephesians 4:11-16. What do you observe in this text?
In what ways can engaging in ministry help you mature as a believer?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-21. What does this verse tell us about our calling as believers?
What steps will you take this week to reach out to someone who has been disconnected from the church?
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